Signing books in China

I was invited to China to attend the 30th anniversary of the Chinese Society of Digestive Endoscopy and to launch the Chinese version of my memoirs “The tunnel at the end of the light”. This had been arranged by Professor Zhaoshen Li, at the second military Medical college in Shanghai. The meeting was in Nanchang, 2 hours flight west of Shanghai, a thriving city of 5m people, perhaps best known as the starting place on August 1st 1927 of the first Kuomintang-Communist on the Chinese civil war. There is an impressive museum all about that. I enjoyed meeting the publisher (July Ye), a young doctor (Philip Jun) who was my guide and interpreter, and my sponsor (Ryan Liu). I only signed 200 books! Big celebration parties and nice momentoes.IMG_0815436616530787380192IMG_0131 IMG_6400IMG_0154

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